Friday, November 27, 2009
Smoking Mirrors: I'm going to Copenhagen but I can't take You.
The blackest mass is going to Copenhagen but they wont be taking You.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Zionutter Demonoids
Zionism is a mental aborition as its stated aim to create a homeland for gods chosen jews and a city for god as stated in their old books including the bible. The sequence of things prophesised in the old books has a couple of main features, the first one being a holocaust a melting of 6 million jews IN ISRAEL and the second is then the creation of a new city of god called Zion also in Israel, hence the name zionism. Now many many people have no interest or belief in god or the bible but still are followers of zionism, And while many having an understandable distrust in the 'for profit' religions that have been created by man and do not reflect any true respect for god, the main belief system of zionism is because of religious influences.
So while zionism is trying to destroy and obscure the fundimental truths that many religions contain, they want non zionists to have no belief or trust in god and would rather that the goy (as they refer to the lesser others) worship only greed. (As money lenders have the source sewn up)
So getting back to the sequence of events that zionists are trying to create in some demented distorted sence of self importance, the melting and then the city of zion, they are ardiment and obsessively trying to claim that the events they call the holocaust have already occured in the second world war in EUROPE. Now lets assume for a second that somehow the bible got the location of the melting wrong and that it has occured and the state of Israel is the new Zion under construction.
If the melting has occured why then is Israel and the so called zionists so shit scared of Iran having nukes to cause another melting when they should have faith that no power on earth could cause a second holocaust and melting of 6 million zionists as foretold in their books
Also since the facts in logical order as well as zionists obvious trembelling fear of Irans nuke suggest that the melting is yet to come and that the illconcieved state of Israel is not zion but rather the demoniod zionists attempt to pre-empt the occurance. There is no logic in believing that Iran will need to create nukes for the melting as they may not be the ones that create it or even launch it. The melting is just as much possible of happening by Israels own nukes/plants in Israel, in full compliance with those living by the (nuke)sword dieing by the (nuke)sword.
So having established that zionism is a demonicaly demented greed system and that its is in control of most of the worlds money. It is also very obvious that these demonoids have no remaining humanity but are instead beasts unlike any born of nature. In a weird twist of reality the demoniod beasts who call us goy are so completley what they think they are superior to.Therefore to expect them do any good thing is foolish folly and wishfull thinking. The logical thing to do is suspect that every thing they try and inflict upon us is evil and destructive to nature and life. So riddiculing those who distrust demonic beasts and their slaves is self and life destructive and highly stupid given these facts that cannot be shown as false.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The decieved and the decievers.
During the last few millenia or so it would be very well known that the revelations to come involve the destuction of Babylon the Great (the USA). In the 1800's many people recognised that fact and began to formulate plans to CONvince the Christian Churches that a melting of jews would and later had occured during the world wars they initiated during the 20th century, thereby laying the ground work for the biggest scamjob ever attempted, the 'oh you better pity me' or I will call you names and stick a label on you just like the Germans did to the money changers trying to destroy the German economy.
How could such an obvious plan ever work, well first you pretend your enemy concieved the plan and you call it a rediculas slander and a hoax. So the first step takes the shape of a blue print called the protocols of zionism, a plan that keeps the CONspiritors on the same game board.
Then you need a world war or two in which to wieve a belief that a melting of 6 million has occured and that this is what gives the right for the supposedly melted to pre-empt the city of zion by creating a state supposedly after the holo caused by the CONspirers.
The bemussing thing is that the CONartists are infact bringing about their own destruction by tring to pre-emt the grand plan layed out in the religious texts. The melting has not yet occured therefore because the illCONcieved bastard of satan that is the anti-christ state of israel as is incredibly obvious by its absolute evil nature towards its neigbours.
You so called christians should remember that "God is Love" and "Israel is Hate" so never the two shall join.
The end of America is because of the desease you caught from lieing in bed with the devils CONjob.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Within and without
Even the being within is an entity most often in a state of flux being pushed there and here by forces trying to assert their will and dominance over your awareness and decisions. The lower brain functions deriving from the repilian and mammal brain remnants do push our awareness ever to the self and the benile gratifications of the body. Hence we have from within and without forces such as lust, gluttony and sloth. They would take a high volume dominance of your awareness and tear at your will to be free from their bidding. Loud and obnoxious are there voices in our brains as they dare to make us more like the beast that they developed within. Those persons controled by the beastly forces do enhance there beastlieness by resorting to higher brain forces of the mind wherein greed hate and many other imagined devices take form that have detrimental effect on ourself as well as our fellow travelers through this realm of existance.
But be not dismayed you have the power to decide to silence these forces within you for a time by inviting in the opposing force that will always trumpth over the lower force on both the mind and spirit levels of your awareness. Invite in love and hate will depart with haste. Invite in shareing and giving and greed will flee. Do all your outstanding tasks and look for more and sloth will be sent packing until the coast is clear. What then is that force which you must seek to dismiss lust :?: I will leave that for you to tell me cause I could do with some help at times for I do not declare myself to be a master of these forces within me, it is a constant battle one which is going on within us all so if I can help you and you help me then we have communicated at a deeper level than mere words on a page, we could reach within the essence of our beings and be enriching each other far greater than any bodily pleasure.
Hopefully you all can begin to believe in yourself as truelly unique and beautiful beings that can fly through the realms of amasing clarity and wonder and then when your mind is free of the clutter and pushing and shoveing forces you will percieve the purpose of your being and knowing that you are a being of the cosmos you will know that you are god and god is you and all of us at once and love will see you through.