Friday, June 13, 2008


To recap the story so far.


The gulls gathered to smite the outcast but stopped to hear his confession : The idea of escaping the bounds of the flesh of the animal inheritance and realising the spirit within is your task in life, all else is trivial. How they ask can you hear this spirit ? Well the first step is to shut the smeg up and listen, not with your ears but with your conscience. Listen to you heart, not for emotions but for truth and reason, for compassion and trust. What then is this spirit Mr Curious Gull asks ? The spirit within you is the part of God that has been given to you so that you may ride it to your place in heaven. Like a limb if you don't use it you will loose it and suffer the same fate as the other animals. But god is guilty for causing the calamities on earth ? No fate is, like a robot is created with a set of guiding rules so is creation following rules. God created us and then immersed himself in us so that he can ride out the path we take without interference. It is you who decides your fate so look to the spirit within to find the guidance to give what you would recieve. What then is the soul asks the pios Ms LeeGull The soul is the combination of your mind and your spirit, since your body is corrupt and a part of the animal world it cannot asend into heaven which can only contain good. What happens to your soul when you die askes the pios Ms LeeGull The soul is measured to see whether it is more good or more evil, if it is more good the bad part is removed and discared in the pit and then it goes to heaven, if it is more bad then the soul is thrown into the pit entirely. What is this pit you speak of jlskpe, asks the curious Master EggGull The pit is that place where dwells the devil and all evil as no good can dwell in that place, it is a place where no part of god can be seen or heard. You can only imagine these things because you flew through the green smoke cloud asserts Mr DeeGull The green smoke only helps you to break from your inherited and imprinted self, you still must choose where to go once you break those bonds. You are just a dodgy gull Jonothan squarks silly MopGull You may choose to worship your pile of dung beneath your nest, but to me its just smelly compost, my dung is spread all over and therefore is less offensive What then is freedom asks the wise BfreGull The clumbsy earth bound creatures that are destroying the world sprout much nonsence about their elusive freedom, how can they ever be free when they can't even fly states the much respected BfreGull. Well asked says jlskpe, they are not free and not because they can not fly. True freedom comes when One, even a Dodgy One is no longer addicted to any one of the evils that entrap the One. For trapped and addicted is what One is when One indulges in hated or envy or lust or greed for these are the drugs of the spirit they feed on the One when the One is caught in the web. If the One indulges in more drugs of the spirit then the One is further removed from the True Freedom where being unbound from the addictions of the drugs of the spirit One then can partake of the knowledge of the ages and be able like the One Creator to be also a Great Creator and realise the Freedom of Ones true destiny. BE jlskpe BE FREE AND FLY ON THE WINGS OF TRUTH These drugs of the spirit of which you speak is there no antidote to their poisonous addiction asks missure UndiGull Why yes indeed they are all around you and they are free from any harmfull side effects so you can indulge in them for an eternity and never be trapped or addicted or bored says jlskpe. They are the drugs of amasing beauty such as Love and Peace, Joy and Forgiving, Humility and Sharing and Compassion. It is only with these that the One achieves Freedom and the ability to Create beauty for all the Ones together in the hive of Truth.

1 comment:

  1. ... J L Budgerigar... much more apt here...
