Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not talking about a game

Dodgy wrote:

JuiCemaN wrote: VOTE GREENS!!!! smeg JOHN KEY. he is such a penis!

Dodgy wrote:
Circumsized that is
comments from story below wrote:
rosie said... WRH has succumbed to Obama mania. He who walks on water, changes water to eh wine (red wine?) the 'chosen one! Nothing is too petty or too nasty when it comes to La Palin. Howling she had not produced her medical records - but unfazed that Obama has produced nothing at all. I haven't even bothered to look at the site the last few days. It was so over the top pro Obama I can't be bothered with that sort of bigoted bias. And I used to think it one of the best. Well Rivero has blown it for me. But whilst we have all been bewailing America's fate another western democracy has bitten the dust. Sheer NWO, banking elitist, Pure! New Zealand. The new PM has a CV that brooks no doubt. The son of an Austrian Jewess refugee. Made good in banking - how coincidental. His background below. Poor NZ - its a great little country and deserved better than this. How long before the excellent NZ military are dragged into fighting Israel's wars, pipeline protection and the CIA's nasty little drug dealerships. Part of the NATO 'protection' force for NATO war crimes. Well New Zealanders won't like it a bit. Like the rest of the planet they are pretty savvy and pretty anti American. They too had a choice of the lesser evil and nine years of Helen Clark would make you want to vote for Lucifer himself. Well just take a look at what they just got. Top drawer NWO if ever you saw it! Quote 'The 47-year-old Key launched his investment banking career in New Zealand in the mid 1980s. After 10 years in the New Zealand market he headed offshore, working in Singapore, London and Sydney for the U.S. investment banking giant Merrill Lynch. During that time he was in charge of a number of business units including global foreign exchange and European bond and derivative trading. In 1999 John Key was invited to join the Foreign Exchange Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and on two occasions undertook management studies at Harvard University in Boston. ' How very sucked in is NZ, soon to be pwned by the NWO In positions of power and money by lies and tricks they plan to own and control the world in preparation for their 2 horned wana be god.
The Strange Case of Dr. Obama and Mr. Emmanuel.

JuiCemaN wrote:
no shit..... typical sheep mentality. lets have an economist instead of a leader, he might give us an extra 10 bux a week!

Dodgy wrote:

JuiCemaN wrote:
lets have an economist instead of a leader

Dodgy wrote:
You talkin bout politics or chill So how much mind bending idiot box lieing dribble did Key shove down ya throats to get elected Many subliminal threats of destruction NZ close to Marshall Islands _________________

phase wrote: Basically, he agreed to keep everything labour promised and then added He will put mean people in jail forever and He will give minor tax breaks To summarise a secret recording of Bill English You have to swallow a few dead fish to get into power We will give them labour plus a little bit more money in their pocket every week The real changes will start in the 2nd term

JuiCemaN wrote: lets face it, won't really matter who is in power, it will be exactly the same for the wealthy, exactly the same for the poor, and the middle class will go shopping with a little more or a little less.

Dodgy wrote:You wish Now your country will be among the first to jump on the band wagon of the new world order (second beast) Not that au will be far behind What is coming is evil beyond your imagination the new world order will be forced slavery by the rich for the pleasure of satanic psychopaths The manufactured financial disaster was / is to remove dead wood and feast on those corporations not inline with the plan for facist corporate control of everything and everyone. What a world wide con job is hatching with this second beast Brown calls for new world order to enslave or cull the minions But of course no one will listen, they are trained to hear only the lieing evil rumbelling of vile evil hatred in makeup like some gothic world wide kiss concert Just incase you have any doubt how perverted and sick in the head are the unelected slime Legal case against God thrown out

JuiCemaN wrote:
Dodgy wrote:
You wish The manufactured financial disaster was / is to remove dead wood and feast on those corporations not inline with the plan for facist corporate control of everything and everyone.

JuiCemaN wrote:
I wish what? that nothing will change? I am realistic, it doesn't matter what government is in power, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. and like i said the middle class will keep on shopping as that majority are in the brainwash game and consumerism. They will continue to keep on buying in to the media and the fear and base their decisions and actions accordingly. I would like to hear your view on this so called manufactured financial disaster. I ask because I would like to see what YOU know that I don't. I would like to discuss this issue.

Dodgy wrote: Yes it seems you wish for nothing to change as a defeatist attitude is part of the conditioning, but like I say it SEEMS like you are spreading defeatism where courage and resolve are what is needed.
How to create a financial disaster :
1. Create a bunch of worthless stuff on bits of paper and say they are worth trillians of dollars.
2. Sell this toxic derived dribble to all and sundry and make a huge robbing.
3. Then tell all your friends to get rid of toxic dribble papers before you expose the fact that they are worth less than the ink used to write them.
4. Your enemys are left with heaps of crud and collapse, you then rush in and buy them out with the money you extorted from them.
Wallah you have a toppsy turvey mostly dropping share market and get to pick up the spoils. Then as all are panicing you who created the whole thing come in with a plan to solve the mess you made and take over the whole world in the process.
Simple really

JuiCemaN wrote: I don't care about change. I care about progress and actions. I am spreading as much defeatism as you are spreading pessimism matey. We changed governments, has much actually changed? NO. so is change what you want? its what the majority that voted in National wanted apparently. It's time for a change. NO, it's time for progress and action! What are you doing to produce the outcomes that you would like to see in efffect? or are you just another spectator in the stand giving the blow by blow commentary on a gaming forum? Progress starts at home, NOT on a gaming forum. oh, your financial crisis write up is pretty much spot on, but, what are you going to do about it? am i to assume , that seeings you have this indepth knowledge on the financial structures that you would also understand how to enrich your own life from that? or you prefer to have that knowledge and do nothing with it. would be interested to know why someone that knows all this stuff and possibly more, doesnt know how to gain a financial advantage from NOT buying into the financial doom and gloom and despair that the puppet masters are playing out to the mob of sheep.

yes, it is healthy to debate as it will educate. a few that understand

Dodgy wrote: The first step in fixing something is knowing what is wrong. You must expose those flaws and show the trail from cause to effect before any solution can be explored that will address the cause and create a viable fix. Call it pessimism but when a system rewards greed and promotes self serving pathological brain dead zombies into positions of power knowing full well that power corrupts, one has good cause and innumerable examples of the disastrous effect they will cause. Sure I go on exposing the flaws but I also have pointed to many solutions, search my posts for sharing and caring and know that I am not a pessimist but are more of an optimist, I would have to be one to expect any good results to come from my ravings. But some principle to do with butterflies and cyclones gives me hope that jonny apple seed is no nutta. I'v been hanging around this gaming forum for 6 years so it is a bit of a home to me, but it is not the only place I post. Often I will post anomonously in forums where I am a noob or are unlikley to return to. If I was into greedy piles of possessions I would not be looking at ways to stop greed from being the motivator but would be sucking up to those with lots in order to find ways to disposses them, fck what a slimey existance that would be.

JuiCemaN wrote: good points. With an accumulation of wealth, that vehicle can be used for positive action and to spread good. If Warren buffet and the likes did not make what they do, and then distribute it back to the poor through the many various charities they are a part of, do you think the government or the banks would ? NO Entrepenuers should NOT be confused with government and corporations in natural resource sectors. All of the big entrepenuers know the value of giving and play within the frame work that governing bodies impose. they amass a personal wealth through diligence and hard work, then choose to enrich the lives of others through various charities and organisations. If Bill Gates didn't do what he did, I doubt very much that we would be here in this capacity. I know someone personally that is feeding over 7000 people throughout Africa. From his own pocket ( they are pretty full pockets, but nonetheless, the problem does not lie within the wealthy as they are more generous than the middle class drone workers. I am glad that you are pointing it at the right place, it is governments and policy makers, it is NOT individuals with a desire to succeed and make it. It's the rule makers, NOT the players that have educated themselves on how to bend the rules. What we teach in school these days hardly applies to life in the 21st century. Thats half the problem right there. We have computers and calculators to do trig/algebra/ and all those fancy things. time to develop as individuals rather than drones that fit into the industrial revolution mould that is being taught to the children. NOW THATS WHERE WE START TO FIX THE PROBLEM. Awareness.

jlskpe wrote: Among the stars of civilisations you will find the enlightened species have schools like yours but the adults go there to learn from the children. The schools provide access to all the tools and books that have ever been made and then the adults provide the children with problems that need solving. Their unclutered access to creative reasoning and experimentation

JuiCemaN wrote: exactly! and also because you are over 900 years old, most will tend to be children in your eyes.

Dodgy wrote: Those who aspire to achieve riches are not a measure of success but a measure of failure of the system to inspire all to work for the common good. For the success for all is greatness while the success of one for one is wasted resources. An idea and inspiration to produce a new and useful tool for others is the reward, not pockets full of other peoples toil to dole out as if it excuses the greed. Giving to charity is a good thing of course but if it is but a pittance of their stolen treasure it is as false as the notion of priests dolling out forgiveness on sundays for but a small donation. How many so called entrepenuers are nothing but thieves and robbers who steal or trick others out of their inventions or possessions and then sell and package them for their own profit. Ferengi mentality is an evil system that is based on the second evil of greed, the first is of course pride which is the drive behind thinking one is more worthy than others. Naturaly these ideals are out of place in the barbaric and primative society of the captialist world whos false pride brags about its false label of civilisation. Civilised is cooperation sharing and caring for all equally and while people worship their pile of possessions the society is regressing to the lowest levels of civil behaviour. That level is lower than the social structure displayed by pack animals like wolves and apes. Only when mankind learns civilisation should he be allowed to travel the cosmos, and if he does not then rot in his filth he will

JuiCemaN wrote : With no one to try and break free from the pack we would all end up worse off. To have no achievers would mean a very mediocre world. I am interested in what actions you are taking to make a difference.

Dodgy wrote: To break free and achieve are indeed noble asperations. As my nemesis jlskpe will attest to it is freedom from oppression and slave like toil that is the major objective of the struggle against those who wish others to toil for their benefit. I have in my own way broken free from that oppression by achieving a career change whereby I now use my creativity to solve pc programming problems rather than the slave labour of a timber mill. But of course the oppression still is inflicted upon me by a governing power which betrays its majority by serving and being at one with those who oppress and enslave. Those harlets of betrayal sell their favors to the highest bidder like a prostitude holding an auction for a night of lust. These flaws in our society perpetuate a decline of civilisation, that decline is very obvious when one considers the hellish lead and example set by the debauchery and murdering conducted by the dividing states of israelhell (USa) and its cohorts of zionist lunacy. Those zion maniacs in a twisted and con-torted delusional orgy of evil believe they have cart blanch to create a zion (city of god) built by man in its self worship that will be inhabited by god the creater and yet are creating a city from which the devils anti-christ will try to rule. I do what I can to inform and free whoever will listen, that is in direct contrast to those that advocate slavery for the minions so that they can worship the piles they have extorted and stolen. Those considering themself more worthy are of course infact lower in statue than beasts who have no choice to better a civilisation.

JuiCemaN wrote : Personally, i would rather have money than no money and NOT for moneys sake but to be able to enrich my life and those around me and to add experience and knowledge to my life that can be imparted. Thats what true wealth is.... NOT piles of money. Anyone who thinks it is money will inevitably be an unhappy individual. Does someone with a pile consider their self worth is more than others? maybe, maybe not, it would depend on the individual with the pile and the actions they take. Money isnt evil, people are evil.

useless wrote:
Dodgy wrote:
I do what I can to inform and free whoever will listen, that is in direct contrast to those that advocate slavery for the minions so that they can worship the piles they have extorted and stolen. Those considering themself more worthy are of course infact lower in statue than beasts who have no choice to better a civilisation.

useless wrote:
Noble aspirations indeed. Just think... If you cut back on the name-calling and insane analogies you might actually get some people to listen to what you have to say. We of the Open Source world are doing our part to try and retain and even get back some of the basic freedoms that have been whittled away over time. As the the freshly sqeezed one has already hinted, actions are where it's at and what actually make a difference.... ranting away on public forums in the way you do only makes you look like some paranoid foaming-at-the-mouth zealot and does little to engage the reader.

JuiCemaN wrote: National 2008! YAY!! john key getting busted...... as always.... Pinnochio Key at it again....

Dodgy wrote: Juice : Quite amusing presentation of what is not funny. Sad it is that lieing money has more appeal than truthful poverty. useless : Your bandwagon heresay critisism is based on emotive rejectionist interpretations. Where are the specifics of what you are generalising i.e my name calling and insane analogies and paranoid foamings. I can understand the programmed responses people display, shaking off a lifetime of brainwashed dribble and conditioning is a daugnting task. Much like counting the number of times you will have seen a scene of riddicule leveled against a person warning of damning times ahead. The programmed impression written into your brain is that every prophet of doom is a whack job and that by extension the Book of Revelations is whacky nutters field manual. Indeed the very notion that it could be true is never even considered in the usual cry wolf properganda. So that when those things are actually happening in front of your eyes, no reasoning or reflexion is required, just the usual preconditioned response. Zombie conditioning 101 works almost every time.
Dylan wrote:
You should all do what elvis did and shoot the damn thing out (the idiot box of indoctrination)"We of the Open Source", LOL get a grip, writing dinkytoy copies of others work and giving it away is a great little hobbie for killing some time. It has very sparce tangible benefits to people in need. Getting people free software !> (is not greater than) getting people free from their chains of oppression. While we all know MS prices are extortive and oppressive especialy for stolen works, a little creative hacking and cracking is usually less effort than building an open source version.

exalt wrote:
Dodgy wrote:
I do what I can to inform and free whoever will listen

exalt wrote
Dodgy, you don't inform people. You tell them yours and other peoples opinions. The information that you get are just biased opinions by internet paparazzi that hate the world for what it is, and think that by posting bullshit on the internet can change the world. Fact is what I'm interested in, not hateful opinions on crap that we don't care about, or have anything to do with.

Dodgy wrote: That being your much experienced consideration is very much like useless lol double whammy rocket Why dont you tell us again how going to the stars is going to save our arses Or have you come up with a better dream lately

jlskpe wrote:

Ram god is with us = Rahm Emanuel

Look it up

If that aint a fitting name for the Anti-Christ I wonder what would be ?

He is looking to take the reigns of the second beast just as soon as Obama is sacrificed.

Dodgy One wrote : Well I guess I may have just proven myself wrong when I said earlier that Israel was the anti-christ !! You cant be wrong all the time eh :)

But then I find out that rahm israel emanuel has israel as his middle name so I was kinda right in a wrong way ?)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The best you you can BE

elektrik wrote:
Im voting for New World Order

Dodgy wrote:
The new world order would be the second beast one could assume.
The deadly wound of the first beast could be the current financial crisis.
Revelations 13
Revelations 13 wrote:
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. That being the case you will likley serve it or die votes are only for the evil slime You dont think corporate capitalism is a beast You ain't been payin attention to reality Corporate capitalism for the rich steals from and imposes corporal punishment on the poor and the environment

xram wrote:
ahh, the bible. such a good book to quote from, so many wise and true words of wisdom... Corinthians 14
Corinthians 14 wrote:
As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Dodgy wrote:
Interesting choice of passage xram, that one along with so many others are conveniently tossed aside by the pretend churches of today.
I have not found a single church that conforms with the bible and gave up looking look ago, to me they are all hypocrits and only play at religion for control over others and for material profit.
Religion is not the way to truth or knowing God. Instead you should look within, see past what you are when your mind is silent to what love and truth and peace can exist in you because you are the closest part of creation to resemble God and not any book.
Then when you read the bible you can see this truth in the Son of God and know that everything else not said by Christ is padding and second hand or history. After all there is but only two commandments and they both tell you to give love to God and your fellow man.
I am not a bible basher or a religious nut or a conspiricy nutter. I am a seeker and hopefully a sharer of the truth, I hope to warn others of the traps and pitfalls that organised evil has laid along the path and I wish to leave perhaps a few signposts that lead in the right direction to the best you you can be. 8)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How does one explain zionism

How does one explain zionism ? I can think of one analogy of its current adhereants as like a retriever dog that knows only one trick there is only that one trick and it is more important than food sex sleep rest, nothing can or will stop it from chasing the stick ball or whatever is thrown. It will constantly look for someone to throw an object for it to fetch, fetch is its one and only reason for living. So you get a bunch of these obsessed religious lunatics together and give them a huge piece of someone elses land so they can claim to have created a new Israel and all there sins are forgiven because they build a new city for god. But it is not big enough it has to be the full extent that is stated in their old books or the spell doesn't work. So now they (the Obsessed Religious Lunatics ,ORL ) have a barrier between them and their goal, a bunch of other people live on there greater Israel so they have to be destroyed or removed and since destroy is what they do and enjoy in retalitation for denighing the fetch sensation then thats what will be planned. These creatures in their way have friends who give them the means to defend themself and to stay alive so now the ORL for zion have a new enemy that they must bark at and threaten with servere biting. But because they are bigger and have bigger friends they must be then made to look like the bad guys. So after years and years of properganda lieng stealing and killing in secret they con the neocon artists into being there even bigger badder doggy friend and attack the friend of their enemy. All this against the back drop of another old book which tells of the evil that wants to rule and control and own the world and that wants to be worshiped like it is the true god. These things all are happening now and there is not a thing you or I can do to stop it. But there is something you and I can and will do every day that has an effect on the balance of this battle, you choose which side you are on with every choice you make to do good or evil. These battles on earth are only a part of the picture, the real battle is between principles and powers ,between morals and corruption between happiniess and joy verses misery and desease so think before you condemn what I say and believe that which the corrupted powers have given you to believe and worship as if it will benefit you, they lie and decieve and have only contempt for you and everything but themself. Call me a fool if it makes you feel important or clever but who will be shown to be the fool in the end is the fool that decieves themself, and the fool that decieves others will have a shame to deal with as well. Ridicule that you place on others beliefs is the act of a demented clown, an actor in the assilum, a joke with legs, a fool. Religion is but a tool or a path just like a calculator, it is the sharletan who uses a religion for there own benefit that is at fault, not the set of beliefs. Whether the books are facts or fiction is not important but what is is the lessons that can be learned and truths that can be gleaned that help you on the path you choose. If you believe and follow a fool holding an old book and a wig then it is you and the fool that is at fault, not the book.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

mad cowboys wanting to roll the dice one more time all or nothing

They must be constantly prepared to wage war against peace, because only through war can they forestall the inevitable collapse of the rule of unproductive capital - that grotesque insult to the human productive spirit and simple common sense. The grand vision of corporate globalism - the finance capitalists' imperial heaven - cannot exist in the real world except through the application of terror. That's why the servants of the Lords of Capital were compelled to devise the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) as a grand military strategy to buttress the terminal illogic of their planet-smothering version of corporate globalism.

It should be well known that gambeling is for LOOSERS but so many have no sence at all Rolling the Dice Once Again – in Iran

Let it be well know also that greedy MANKIND is a JOKE on ITSELF

nightingale tune = fairy land TV bullshit
Bird fly high by the light of the moon = pure bull shit
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman = you FKN dipsticks Love that look at the end : FKN Morons

Jokerman -> Bob Dylan wrote:
Standing on the waters casting your bread
While the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing.
Distant ships sailing into the mist,
You were born with a snake in both of your fists while a hurricane was blowing.
Freedom just around the corner for you
But with the truth so far off, what good will it do?

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.

So swiftly the sun sets in the sky,
You rise up and say goodbye to no one.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,
Both of their futures, so full of dread, you don't show one.
Shedding off one more layer of skin,
Keeping one step ahead of the persecutor within.

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.

You're a man of the mountains, you can walk on the clouds,
Manipulator of crowds, you're a dream twister.
You're going to Sodom and Gomorrah But what do you care?
Ain't nobody there would want to marry your sister.
Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame,
You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name.

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.

Well, the Book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy,
The law of the jungle and the sea are your only teachers.
In the smoke of the twilight on a milk-white steed,
Michelangelo indeed could've carved out your features.
Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space,
Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face.

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh. oh. oh. Jokerman.

Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame,
Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain.
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks, Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain,
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin,
Only a matter of time 'til night comes steppin' in.

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.

It's a shadowy world, skies are slippery gray,
A woman just gave birth to a prince today and dressed him in scarlet.
He'll put the priest in his pocket, put the blade to the heat,
Take the motherless children off the street And place them at the feet of a harlot.
Oh, Jokerman, you know what he wants,
Oh, Jokerman, you don't show any response.

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

10 reasons Why satans zionist israel has no right to exist.

10 reasons Why satans zionist israel has no right to exist.
1. The anti-christ that is that state is still crusifing the love your neibour message that Christ brought via Bethlehem.
2. Their only savior is death and prideful elevation of filthy perversion and greed.
3. Because the 10 commamdments are broken in that land every day it exists, it is a den of eniquity worse than sodum.
4. The justification for its creation based on lieing deciet does not justify the destruction of the innocent Palestinians who own the land.
5. No loving version of anyones god would want a city created through the sacrifice of the inhabitants, not even an imperialists god.
6. Money lending for lazy profit is but mobster extortion and slavery by another name.
7. Any country that excludes and discriminates against the rest of the human race is a plaque a pox a scab on the flesh of the earth.
8. The greed and lust for flesh and power are an abomination in the sight of the universe, a trip to a black hole is their only right for existance.
9. Judge not your neigbour says the lord but judge that state this is sin itself and condemn it for the evil in it that excludes all light.
10. The ones chosen at one time to deliver gods message of love rejected that message and chose instead lucificers message and have no right to the promised land.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No right to exist for Israehell

No doubt a lot will laugh at the idea that gods so called chosen people would be following satan instead and a lot will say that what israel is doing has nothing to do with religion. Some will even say that politics and religion are two separate issues that should not be mixed.But the thing is that Israel was created as an attempt to fullfill ancient prophesies that say that 6 million jews will be killed before God creates a new Israel from which he will rule the world. So having had a lot of jews killed in the second world war, the zionists decided that it had to be a figure of 6 million so that they could be fullfilling the prophesy and create an Israel themself. But no it was not the 6 million prophesied, that has yet to come. God scattered the jews as they have rejected his ways. And now they continue to reject God by tring to create Israel themself in direct defiance of Gods punishment upon them, they expect that thier messiah will come once they have build a greater Israel. They refuse to except that they are no long chosen and that they are building an Israel from which satan's anti-christ will attempt to rule. How foolish it is to expect god to rule from a place created by men who sacrifice their fellow men to create a false city of god.The God of Love will allow the destruction of such an evil abomination and then HE will create a new city not man.
So then as this attrocity is being hatched the zionist con the wannabe christians into believing the same crap and that killing the locals is somehow an exception to the rule and is justified as being according to gods plan. Hence the reason why USa joins with israels zionist is because they too have believed the lies and corrupted themselves and rejected all that christ stands for inorder to build a fake city of god.

I don't know about you so called humans but this behaviour by so called chosen ones is a sickening example of how barbaric is a species when its is motivated by selfish greed and hate for his fellow. Israeli armed forces storm SE Gaza, raze farms & A 4-year-old girl killed, her mother wounded in an Israeli air strike on Gaza This and so many other attrocities are carried out with the bullshit excuse of self defence even though the pathetic little rockets fired by some of the protestors are little more than fireworks and seldom hurt anyone or anything. The main stream media wont report Israels crimes against humanity simply because the zionists owns most of the western media and the polly parrot whores completely ignore all except for a very few.
And the sheep will keep on turning away while its not them in the slaghter yard

Israel proves yet again that it does not have the right to exist. Israel Lobby Calls for Naval Blockade against Iran (an act of WAR) Its streets are awash with the blood of the rightful owners of the land. They practice anti-christ like actions agains their neighbours and spread hate and greed, they are an abonination in the sight of the entire world. Now they wish to show that Israel has a right to kill millions by starting a war by deception yet again, may their wishes be visted upon them instead so that justice is served rather than that Satanic Anti-Christ called Israel. No the interpretation that the Anti-Christ is a person is clearly false as it is instead the regime called Israel that worships satan and goes about its streets murdering innocents in plain sight of the world. Israel is cheered on by the mindless mob of self worshippers in the USa who will kill anyone if there is a profit in it

jlskpe wrote:
"Israel does not have the right to exist as in the form of the abomination of there self worship and hate for their neighbors" Lamentations -> Ezekiel 22 -> Expose the filth that they do so that all will know that the evil they have done to others will be done to them in observance of the truth of what goes around comes around. "Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations." God will not be mocked by his once choosen ones soon they will join with the fate of sodom.

Friday, June 13, 2008


To recap the story so far.


The gulls gathered to smite the outcast but stopped to hear his confession : The idea of escaping the bounds of the flesh of the animal inheritance and realising the spirit within is your task in life, all else is trivial. How they ask can you hear this spirit ? Well the first step is to shut the smeg up and listen, not with your ears but with your conscience. Listen to you heart, not for emotions but for truth and reason, for compassion and trust. What then is this spirit Mr Curious Gull asks ? The spirit within you is the part of God that has been given to you so that you may ride it to your place in heaven. Like a limb if you don't use it you will loose it and suffer the same fate as the other animals. But god is guilty for causing the calamities on earth ? No fate is, like a robot is created with a set of guiding rules so is creation following rules. God created us and then immersed himself in us so that he can ride out the path we take without interference. It is you who decides your fate so look to the spirit within to find the guidance to give what you would recieve. What then is the soul asks the pios Ms LeeGull The soul is the combination of your mind and your spirit, since your body is corrupt and a part of the animal world it cannot asend into heaven which can only contain good. What happens to your soul when you die askes the pios Ms LeeGull The soul is measured to see whether it is more good or more evil, if it is more good the bad part is removed and discared in the pit and then it goes to heaven, if it is more bad then the soul is thrown into the pit entirely. What is this pit you speak of jlskpe, asks the curious Master EggGull The pit is that place where dwells the devil and all evil as no good can dwell in that place, it is a place where no part of god can be seen or heard. You can only imagine these things because you flew through the green smoke cloud asserts Mr DeeGull The green smoke only helps you to break from your inherited and imprinted self, you still must choose where to go once you break those bonds. You are just a dodgy gull Jonothan squarks silly MopGull You may choose to worship your pile of dung beneath your nest, but to me its just smelly compost, my dung is spread all over and therefore is less offensive What then is freedom asks the wise BfreGull The clumbsy earth bound creatures that are destroying the world sprout much nonsence about their elusive freedom, how can they ever be free when they can't even fly states the much respected BfreGull. Well asked says jlskpe, they are not free and not because they can not fly. True freedom comes when One, even a Dodgy One is no longer addicted to any one of the evils that entrap the One. For trapped and addicted is what One is when One indulges in hated or envy or lust or greed for these are the drugs of the spirit they feed on the One when the One is caught in the web. If the One indulges in more drugs of the spirit then the One is further removed from the True Freedom where being unbound from the addictions of the drugs of the spirit One then can partake of the knowledge of the ages and be able like the One Creator to be also a Great Creator and realise the Freedom of Ones true destiny. BE jlskpe BE FREE AND FLY ON THE WINGS OF TRUTH These drugs of the spirit of which you speak is there no antidote to their poisonous addiction asks missure UndiGull Why yes indeed they are all around you and they are free from any harmfull side effects so you can indulge in them for an eternity and never be trapped or addicted or bored says jlskpe. They are the drugs of amasing beauty such as Love and Peace, Joy and Forgiving, Humility and Sharing and Compassion. It is only with these that the One achieves Freedom and the ability to Create beauty for all the Ones together in the hive of Truth.